Monday, 19 December 2016

Dubbing And Subtitling Services

dubbing and subtitling

Visual Subtitling has a large pool of qualified and certified dubbing and subtitling artists in all major languages. Both translate audio dialogue within the videos and other visual mediums; however, dubbing refers the replacement of spoken dialogues in other languages. Subtitling refers to the scrolling of the spoken dialogues into text format at the bottom of the screen in the target languages.

The success of any media access methods depends mainly on the quality of dubbing and subtitling and subtitling. Our policy of engaging native language translators into the target language programs is the key aspect for the high quality reflected in the programs.
We extend genuine and close to perfect dubbing and subtitling services in quick TAT. We are an ISO 9001:2008 verified company and we assure maximum accuracy rate and have quick TAT.We cater to over 200 languages spoken across the world. 
Our services are available dubbing and subtitling all year round and we also provide Rush services. To get a Free quote and for details about pricing, Upload your files or chat with the Customer Support Team. Call back options are also available.

Visual Subtitling is one of the leading Subtitling and dubbing companies with state of the art recording studio and highly qualified and experienced artists. We are active in producing numerous projects of various types in subtitling and dubbing international movies, online videos and TV programs within Affordable rates. We provide English dubbing and subtitling and Language Subtitling at $7/video minute. A 1 minute sampleof our subtitling services is provided FREE of charges.

Sunday, 18 December 2016

What is captioning and subtitling?

captioning and subtitling

Visual subtitling offers captioning and subtitling services for global clients in the media and film production sectors. Subtitles have no significant difference with closed captions also known as open captions.
What distinguishes closed captioning and subtitling is the fact that subtitles remain captioning and subtitling and cannot be switched off. Closed captions, on the other hand, can be turned on or off while they work discretely in particular media trenches. Either process can be onerous and painful; this is why media outlets and other clients use us.

Why Do You Need Subtitles or Captions?

Incorporating subtitles or captions can be a shot in the arm for your target audience. Subtitles give automatic translations of dialogue on video to enable the audience to grasp it in their familiar language. Subtitles equally come in handy to decode sounds against noisy backgrounds and utterances marred by thick captioning and subtitling. Subtitles serve as intuitive open-captions for videos to be played with little volume and in congested premises.

Our Services

Visual subtitling has been a one-stop video captioning and subtitling hub for all post-production needs. Even if you don't have a transcript in the target audience's language, you can get the translation on our platform.
Our closed captioning and subtitling enables you to provide viewers with subtitles and captions in the form of a written account of everything in the captioning and subtitling. Accordingly, hearing impaired, people stuck in noisy environments or indiscernible sounds can be fully understood.